Friday, February 4, 2011

"Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind." -John Wooden

There are many times when you have to be brave, energetic, stable and aggressive, but sometimes there are obstacles that may get in your way; however, you have to be able to stay in control. You should not let anyone or anything get in your way of succeeding or doing what you want to do. You have the power to be who you want to be and you should not be afraid of the limits involved. If you have a particular vision, then you should go for it. Growing up, John Wooden acquired his personality with help from his dad who was motivational as well. His dad constantly provided encouragement to help his son maintain a positive attitude. John Wooden was an incredible man who influenced a large number of individuals to live their life to their fullest potential.
Here is a video of John Wooden discussing an example of a time when his dad gave him some life advice.

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